上海奥耐斯特进出口有限公司成立于2004年,是中国具有直接进出口经营权的外贸公司.经营范围主要包括各类服装、儿童家具、纺织品和润滑油,还涉及医疗器械、化工、日用品、五金和电子产品等. 公司自成立以来一直大力弘扬”顾客第一、服务至上”的经营原则和”精诚团结、共同发展”的企业文化,依托各种优质资源,锐意拓展国际市场. 公司在2005年被评为年度外贸出口创汇百万美元第37名企业.
Shanghai Honest Import & Export Co., Ltd., was found in 2004, is a foreign trade company with direct operating right of imports and export. The company’s business mainly includes garments, furniture, textiles and lubricant, also involves medical instruments, chemicals daily necessities, hardware and electronic products etc. Since 2004, the company has been adhering to the unique principal of “providing customers with best service” and corporation spirit of “co-development based on good faith and solidarity” with the purpose to develop the global market. In 2005, the company was ranked 37th on the list of Shanghai advanced corporations with realization of export incomes of one million USD Dollars.